Dear Mr. President.
I resign from your America. I revoke my citizenship in the America you want to make first. Yesterday you broke with the world community in its efforts to curb our collective carbon emissions as a world community before the warming of the planet sinks us all as a human race. Rather than being a citizen in your America, I choose to be a citizen of the world, along with the governor of California, the mayor of Pittsburgh, many corporate leaders and ordinary citizens across the nation. I want to follow the direction of leaders like German president Angela Merkel who recognize and affirm that we now live in a global community, where individual whims and desires must be subsumed to the common good.
Your actions in regard to the Paris Climate Accord are not only reckless, they are yet another indication of your small mind. Throughout history the United States has pumped more pollution into the air than any nation in the world. Currently, only China emits more toxins than we do, and they are working on reducing their carbon footprint. Yet you choose to pull our country out of that process. You say it is for the good of our economy, but even business leaders oppose your decision. You say it is to ‘save jobs” yet more jobs are being developed in alternative energy than in old energy like the dirty and dying coal industry. The world is angry at us, but will not wait for us, can’t wait for us. The fact that you cannot see that we live in an interconnected, interdependent world is testimony to your myopic way of thinking.
While I resign from your America, I am not resigned to you or your ways. I will resist you at every turn whether it is on climate change, immigration, tax reform, abolishing health care, fomenting racial hate or aligning yourself with despots. The America you want to put first, is not the America I live in or the America I seek to create. You are not my president; you are my problem, my heartache, my adversary, my embarrassment as an American citizen.
So I resign, and choose to pick up the struggle to bring you down. You must go.
[Note: this letter was also sent to the White House email]
Thaank you for taking the time to respond to yet another vengeful act of the President. I choose to take back America. Not to resign or resist but rather take it back and indeed move it forward; to change America at the heart level. This is more my America than Donald Trumps. He seeks to destroy the way we are striving to become; an America that treats all people equally, with the same rights and privileges, an America that cherishes life and the world a God gave it to us.
Yes, I do consider myself a “citizen of the world” but this part of my world is critically important to the furtherance of the human family.
Donald Trump is cruel, angry and thoughtless. He seems to hate America and our standing in the World. He chooses to weaken us on every level. He is to be pitied, yet stopped.
In the meantime, as you said, we must join hands and embrace our world citizenship. At the same time we must work with every ounce of our strength and energy to make America whole while leaning on the Spirit, power and love of the everlasting God.
Again, thank you Drick
As usual, you are on point my brother. Thank you for being such a brave and courageous warrior. We need more people like you speaking out to curb this maniacal onslaught..
If you denounce your citizenship, you need to leave these United States of America.
Our nation is governed by our constitution, which stipulates how we elect presidents.
As citizens of the greatest country on Earth, we should all support our President, not pout because we didn’t get our way in November.
Your comments are childish and pathetic. I’m saddened and embarrassed to have the same name as you. I will, however pray for God to grant you the wisdom to recognize why he gave us Donald J. Trump to lead us and Make America Great Again.
Thank you brother Drick for your incisive words and your courage. Your point is well taken. We need a more global consciousness. We have to be less selfish and self-centered. We can only survive and thrive as a united world, not as an isolated and polarized country dominated by a few super-rich, gated community psychopaths. I am proud of the cities and states and business leaders that are saving the Paris accords. This voluntary agreement requires all of us to opt in and live a different way. Your country is my country. Your world is my world.
This is a great post!
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