Articles & Presentations
“The Critical Spirituality of Paulo Freire” International Journal of Lifelong Education 31 (4), Sept 2012.Critical Spirituality of Paulo Freire – PDF
“What Would Paulo Freire Think of Blackboard: Critical Pedagogy in an Age of Online Learning,” International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2016, pp.165-186.
“Paulo Freire’s Spirituality of Hope” presented at the 2007 Conference of the Pedagogy and Theater of the Oppressed, May 30-June 3, 2007, Minneapolis, Minnesota, AND 2008 Conference of the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, November 11-15, 2008, Denver, CO.
“A University Serving the Oppressed: The Opportunity Afforded by Demographic Changes in Higher Education,” International Journal of Multicultural Education, Winter 2009.
“Under the Radar: Popular Education in North America,” Annual Meeting of the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Indianapolis, November 1-4, 2011.
“Grassroots Leadership Development: Merging Popular Education with Community Development, ” presentation at the Pedagogy and Theater of the Oppressed Conference, Miami of Ohio University, Oxford, OH, June 28, 2013.
“Paulo Freire’s Dialectic of Spirituality and Activism, presentation at the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Antonio, TX, (with Dr. James Kirylo, University of of South Carolina), April 27, 2017
The Cycle of Racism Awareness” delivered at the Annual Conference of the Adult Higher Education Alliance, Asheville, NC, October 9, 2003. Retrieved June 9, 2006 at
“Autoethnography as a Tool for Transformative Learning About White Privilege,” Journal of Transformative Education 6 (3), July 2008, 212-225.
“Anti-Racist White Allies: The Need for Role Models” in A Just World: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Social Justice, Heon Kin (Ed), 2013, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Interrogating Whiteness” presented at the Eastern University Academic Festival, May 19, 2008, St. Davids, PA.
How Stories Can Transform Whites Working for Racial Justice”, presentation at the Transformative Learning Conference, San Francisco, CA, November 3, 2012.
“Analysis to Action: Putting Race at the Center,” presentation at Rutgers University, May 19, 2017 (with David Mosenkis and Graie Hagans).
“The War Abroad and the War at Home: Examining the Link between U.S. Militarism and Violence on U.S. City Streets,” PRISM, Sept/Oct 2009, 16-18, 20-22, 39.
“Crossfire: With Prayer and Protest People of Faith Take Aim at the Gun Industry,” PRISM, October 2011, 10-17.
“David and Goliath: Faith-based Approaches to Gun Violence Prevention.” Mennonite Central Committee Fear Not Campaign, 2011-2013. Unpublished paper.
Book Review of American and Its Guns by James Atwood, PRISM, November – December 2012, p. 46.
“The Characteristics of a Successful Online Student,” New Horizons in Adult Education, 18(2)(Spring 2004). Retrieved June 10, 2004 at /horizons/ volume18no2Spring2004.pdf
“Faith Integration with Adult Students,” Integrite: A Faith and Learning Journal 5 (1). (Humanities Division of Missouri Baptist University), Spring 2006.
“Effective Teaching in Accelerated Learning Programs,” Adult Learning, May 2007, 40-43.
“Professor in a Strange Land: Reflections on Teaching in a College Program for Marginalized Students” presented at the 2007 Annual Conference for “Power, Access, and Equity” of the Philadelphia Higher Education Network for Neighborhood Development (PHENND), February 23, 2007, Gwynnedd-Mercy College.
“A University Serving the Oppressed: The Opportunity Afforded by Demographic Changes in Higher Education,” International Journal of Multicultural Education, Winter 2009.
Reading Circles: A Tool for Critical Thinking, Student Engagement & Learner Empowerment. Presented at the Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning, April 17, 2009.
“Weaving Activism, Scholarship and Faith” in Spirituality in Higher Education: Autoethnographies” (Eds. Heewon Chang and Drick Boyd), Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2011.