by Drick Boyd | Feb 13, 2013 | Uncategorized
On Tuesday Pres. Barack Obama concluded his State of the Union speech with a powerful call for Congress to act on proposed gun violence prevention legislation such as strengthening the background check system and banning high powered military assault type...
by Drick Boyd | Dec 15, 2012 | Uncategorized
Today in Newtown, CT 28 people are dead, 20 of them children who attended the Sandy Hook Elementary School. If the murder rate in Philadelphia stays on pace, there will 3-4 more young people in Philadelphia dead before the end of the weekend due to gun violence....
by Drick Boyd | Feb 21, 2010 | Uncategorized
For folks who might not have time to read this whole blog here is the short version: urge your representative in Congress to repeal the Tiahrt Amendment. Let me explain why.On February 20, Heeding God’s Call held a peaceful demonstration in front of The Shooter Shop...
by Drick Boyd | Oct 13, 2007 | Uncategorized
This past week the news has been filled with the shootings at SuccessTech Academy in Cleveland, Ohio. Asa Coon, a 14 year old student entered the school with two revolvers and shot two students and two teachers before shooting himself. Closer to home in Whitemarsh...