Spiritual Formation Starts with Jesus

Spiritual Formation Starts with Jesus

In my introduction to this series on “Antiracism as Spiritual Formation” I shared a definition of spiritual formation offered by Dr. Robert Mulholland in his book Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map for Spiritual Formation. In the preface to that book Mulholland...
Antiracist Spirituality – Take Two

Antiracist Spirituality – Take Two

Been in the Struggle In my previous posting “Seeking to Develop an Antiracist Spirituality,” I began to explore what a spirituality rooted in an antiracist perspective and lifestyle entails. I reflected on a presentation by the Anglican priest Rev. Kenneth Leech to...
Seeking to Develop an Antiracist Spirituality

Seeking to Develop an Antiracist Spirituality

The Episcopal Urban Caucus 1994 In 1994 The Episcopal Urban Caucus (EUC) met in Charlotte, North Carolina. Founded in 1975 the EUC is a group within Episcopal Church in the United States that seeks to raise up issues of social justice for the wider church. Their...
Antiracism as Engaged Spirituality

Antiracism as Engaged Spirituality

Discovering Engaged Spirituality During the summer I turned 17, I made a conscious decision to become a follower of Jesus. In the language of the evangelical context in which this happened I “gave my life to Christ.” While for me, the decision was not particularly...
Antiracism as Spiritual Formation: An Invitation

Antiracism as Spiritual Formation: An Invitation

Spirituality and the Battle Against Racism Several months ago I was invited to give an address at a Christian college related to my 2021 book, Disrupting Whiteness: Talking with White People About Race. My presentation was part of an ongoing effort of the institution...