Hardly a day goes by when something #45 Tweets or says does not make me cringe. But this week he sank to a new low when he mocked Time’s Person of the Year Greta Thunberg. Like a petulant, jealous middle schooler Trump tweeted “So ridiculous, Greta must work on her anger management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill, Greta, Chill!”
What is so interesting and sad about that tweet is that President Trump projects onto Greta Thunberg, the very actions he so often displays. When Greta challenged all the world’s leaders at the U.N. to get serious about addressing climate change, her anger was very controlled and very direct. By contrast #45 rants and raves on Twitter, on Fox and Friends, in press briefings and on the campaign trail. Always so quick to criticize and never take account of his actions, Trump should take note of Greta’s response. He might learn something about acting like a mature adult. He might also stop denying what all scientists affirm: that climate change and global warming are real and denying that reality is not only childish but ultimately destructive.
Rather than get into a back and forth with the president, Greta Thunberg mocked her critic by changing her Twitter page intro to “A teenager working on her anger management problem. Currently chilling and watching a good old fashioned movie with a friend.”
Greta Thunberg is clearly the better person in that exchange. Not only did she best #45, but she also gave example to all adults including members of Congress to speak the truth, do what is right and not be deterred by smaller people with smaller minds.
Would be interested to know your thoughts on Meghan McCain’s perspective on Greta.
Drick, The real low here are the adults who promoted a 16 year old autistic teenager. I truly believe Greta was used as a prop for a bunch of climate activists. Her UN speech was a joke. “How dare you” she shrilled. Wow, that’s really going to change minds. What amazes me is how preceptive Trump can be. Greta showed her anger or her limitations again this last weekend with her comments about leaders being “lined up against the wall”. After that she decided she is going to stop her activist role. Maybe she is going chill and go watch a movie and be a teenager, just like Trump suggested.
Also Drick, your comments about Trump and his anger sounds like the “pot calling the kettle black” Far too often your posts include all kinds of nasty name calling and harsh accusations. As I have stated in the past I truly believe your out right hatred of Trump truly hampers your thinking and your writing.