After the Failed Insurrection – Now What?

After the Failed Insurrection – Now What?

The Call In September 2020 I received a call from an old friend I had not talked to in years. Sam and I first met in 2009 when with ten others we took part in a civil disobedience action against Colisimos Gun Store, which was notorious for supplying illegal guns used...


The Day of Epiphany In the Christian tradition, January 6 is the Day of Epiphany, the day in which we celebrate the arrival of astrologers from Persia who came seeking a Blessed One, the one we know as Jesus. These astrologers have been called Wise Ones, Magi, and...
A Call to Be Better Than We Are

A Call to Be Better Than We Are

On Saturday, November 7 I was heading to downtown Philadelphia to take part in a “Protect the Vote” rally. As I came through West Philadelphia around 11:45, I heard people cheering, banging pots jumping up and down and dancing in the street. Something had happened. I...
The Lie and Promise of America

The Lie and Promise of America

Lowering the Floor of Political Decency I write this only five days before November 3, America’s election day. Like many people, I recognize that the outcome of our elections may not be known for several days or weeks after that date. I also am quite anxious as to the...