by Drick Boyd | Jan 8, 2015 | Uncategorized
On the Saturday before Christmas, Bryan Miller and I attended the Philadelphia Gun Show in Oaks, PA. Bryan is the executive director of Heeding God’s Call (HGC), a faith-based organization dedicated to gun violence prevention. A major focus of HGC’s work...
by Drick Boyd | Oct 19, 2014 | Uncategorized
There is no question that the Ebola epidemic is a tragedy that deserves our care and concern as Americans, as people of faith, and as compassionate citizens of the world. The rising toll of deaths from this dread disease in West Africa, especially Liberia, is...
by Drick Boyd | Oct 11, 2014 | Uncategorized
Yesterday (Oct 10) I had jury duty. Ninety of us were placed in a jury pool from which 12 jurors and four alternates would be chosen for a criminal trial. The case involved the murder of a young Black man by another Black man in the small city of Chester, PA. The...
by Drick Boyd | Jul 15, 2014 | Uncategorized
Down the street from me live three children I would guess who are all under the age of 10. Often they ride up and down the sidewalk on their bikes and scooters. Whenever I walk by their house with my dog and they are out playing, they run over to pet the dog. They...
by Drick Boyd | Jun 6, 2014 | Uncategorized
Today we learned of another mass shooting, this time on the campus of Seattle Pacific University, a small private Christian university outside Seattle. Two weeks ago the same sort of event happened at University of California Santa Barbara. Last night and every night...