Reflecting on September 11 – Twenty Years Later

Reflecting on September 11 – Twenty Years Later

Almost anybody 30 years or older probably remembers where they were and what they were doing when they heard that the World Trade Center had been attacked on Sept 11, 2001. I was teaching a class of first-year students and some other students ran into our class,...
What Do We Say About Afghanistan and Haiti

What Do We Say About Afghanistan and Haiti

Over this past weekend I was stunned and horrified as I watched the reports from Afghanistan and Haiti. I suspect many of you were as well. What are we to do and learn from these tragedies? Afghanistan In the case of Afghanistan we saw frantic and terrified Afghans...

The Anti- War Alternative in Afghanistan

I was troubled and saddened to learn of the capture and murder of ten Christian medical aid workers on August 7 returning from providing eye care to rural Afghans; the Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. When I heard of the attack my first reaction was: I...

The Enemy is Ignorance

Every once and a while I come across something that opens a new window to my understanding. Such was the case recently when I read Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. For years I have lamented that we who call ourselves peace activists have not...

Debunking the Myth of Violence

Recently I heard a PBS interview with Matt Miller, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress about his new book The Tyranny of Dead Ideas. In this book Miller focuses on ways Americans think about economic issues that have become outmoded and even...